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The Assassin studies an ancient art of stealth, poisons, and deadly blades. She evolves into the Shadowblade.

Attribute Level 1 Per Level Level 200
Strength 12 7 1405
Agility 21 10 2011
Intelligence 7 5 1002
Life 1275 140 29135
Mana 14 10 2004
Damage 102 10 2092
Range Melee

ROLES: Melee DPS, Stealth, Debuff[]

Description: ​Lacking in AOE abilities but is excellent with very quick direct and sneak attacks with low cooldowns. Can go invisible when low on health to set up for next move.


  • High single target damage
  • Windwalk, Invisiblity. (You can cast invisibility on others, making it excellent for power leveling weaker characters).
  • Powerful Armor Reduction skill
  • Mirror Image.
  • Evasion, Critical Strike, Cleave.


  • No summons.
  • Low strength leads to low hp, slightly higher than ranger (this can be mitigated with gear).
  • Few AOE abilities. This can make things quite difficult if you are trying to fight floods or bosses with spawns before you become too powerful for them to become a threat. Can be partially mitigated with high speechcraft and damage songs.



Appear behind your enemy and stab them quickly before returning to your position

  • Damage Formula: (150 x Hero Level) + (Agi x 10)
  • Damage Type: Air
  • Cooldown: 5 Seconds
  • Mana cost: 3 mp + Hero lvl, lvl 200 = 203mp

Review: Excellent single target damage. Great bossing ability

BONUSES: The following items each add 1x Agility damage to Backstab.

  1. Hydraell (Reforged) or Needle (Reforged)

Throw Knife[]

Throws a poisonous throwing knife at your target causing them to be stunned.

  • Damage Formula: (100 x Hero Level) + (Agi x 8)
  • Damage Type: Poison
  • Major Stun
  • Cooldown: 5 Seconds
  • Mana cost: 3 mp + Hero lvl

Review: Another single target ability. This deals a bit less damage than backstab, but comes with a stun.

BONUSES: The following items each add 1x Agility damage to throw knife.

  1. Xelic's symbol or Bralic
  2. Hydraell (Reforged) or Needle (Reforged)
  3. Exquisitor of Power or Exquisitor of Power Mastery


Allows the Assassin to become invisible, and move faster for a set amout of time. When the Assassin attacks a unit to break invisibility, she will deal bonus damage

  • Damage Formula: (150 x Hero Level) + (Agi x 12)
  • Damage Type: Air
  • Mana cost: 15 mp + (Hero level x 3), lvl 200 = 615mp
  • Cooldown: 30 sec

Review: Doubles both as a way to catch a breather/run from enemies and as some great single target damage.

Assassin's Presence[]

A venomous gas surrounds the hero, poisoning those within the area.

  • Damage Formula per second: (5 x Hero Lvl) + (Agi /4)
  • Damage Type: Poison
  • Aoe: 300 + (wisdom/2)

Review: Low damage immolation, good for getting rid of low level mooks without needing to invest other resources

Assassin Abilities[]

Your spellbook upgrades every ten hero levels until it maxes at hero level 100. I've listed the final spell list below.


The hero increases their reflexes, leaning how to avoid attacks.

  • Evasion +15%


Creates Multiple images of the Hero to confuse the enemy. The Images are created with less power and last for a duration of time.

  • Images:1
  • Damage Dealt: 50%
  • Damage Taken: 200%
  • Duration: 45 sec
  • Cooldown: 60 sec
  • Mana Cost: 250


Delivers a heavy blow and deals serious damage to a single enemy unit causing them to be stunned for a duration of time.

  • Damage Formula: (Agi x 12)
  • Damage Type: poison
  • Stuns
  • Mana cost: 500 mp
  • Cooldown: 20 sec

Review: High damage and a stun. cooldown isn't as good as your main abilities, but still reasonable.

BONUSES: The following items each add 1x Agility damage to Assassinate.

  1. Renegade Forgotten's Set


Makes a unit invisible. if the unit attacks, uses an ability or casts a spell, it will become visible.

  • lasts 120 seconds.
  • Mana cost: 100

Review: This is best used on other players (or npcs). You can just use vanish on yourself, which can't target others. Can also be of use in heists when your other invisibility sources are on cooldown


Attacks slash through the target dealing percent damage to nearby enemies

  • Cleave: 25%

Review: This will go a long way towards helping you deal with mobs

Critical Strike[]

Grants a chance to strike at critical spots to cause more damage to opponents

  • +2% Critical Chance,
  • +0.25 Critical Multiplier

review: more crit is always nice

Achilles Heel [lvl 3][]

The hero finds the achilles heel in every target.

  • Armor Reduction: 100

Flash Strike[]

Attacks all enemies within range so quickly it happens as if there are multiple heroes. Illusions and summons receive double damage.

  • Damage per unit: (Agi x 8)
  • Damage Type: Physical
  • Victim Number: 3+ (hunting/5)
  • Aoe: 600
  • Cooldown: 25 Seconds
  • Mana cost: 500 mp

Review: Depending on your hunting level, this can either be meh or an amazing AOE ability.

BONUSES: The following items each add 1x Agility damage to Flash Strike.

  1. Daemonic Weapon of the One
  2. Valkyrie's Set or Renegade Forgotten's Set
  3. Ultimate Orb of Evil or Gale

Fury of Blades[]

Throws hundreds projectiles within a certain area causing massive damage.

  • Damage per Wave: Agi x 6
  • Damage Type: Physical
  • Waves: 4
  • Cooldown: 45 Seconds
  • Mana cost: 500 mp.

Review: One of your few AOE abilities. This deals the most damage out of all of them, so should help you out when you're being swarmed

BONUSES: The following items each add 1x Agility damage to Fury of Blades

  1. Renegade Forgotten's Set or Almighty's Set or Thaerion's Set or King Robaelic's Set
  2. Divine Bow of Sealing Light or Divine Bow of the Heavens or Baella or Lunaris

Killer instincts[]

Strike the target multiple times from all angles in this ultimate finishing move used only by the most skilled assassins.

  • Damage per Strike: Agi x10
  • Attack Type: Hero
  • Damage type: Physical
  • Strikes: 10
  • Cooldown: 120 sec
  • Mana Cost: 1750 mp

Review: Amazing single target damage. This is the boss killer right here, and should take a hefty chunk out of any baddies you fight.

BONUSES: The following items each add 1x agility damage to Killer Instincts

  1. Thaerion's Set or Vanguard's Set or Valkyrie's Set
  2. Golden Boots (Enhanced) or Golden Boots (Reforged)
  3. Grandfather or Needle or Needle (Reforged) or Apocalyptica or Apocalyptica (Reforged)


The following Items all give ability bonuses for Assassin. (vR1.24)


Take a level 200 Assassin with Love's Tear to her Evolution Location at the golden Statue on top of the Temple of the Keys. She transforms into the Shadowblade.
